Community Outreach Program
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Hope to see you out on the road this summer!


We'd like to point your attention our Community Outreach Program


Our project was initiated in 1996 in an effort to recognize organizations working on behalf on their communities.


The project is quite simple. The band invites community-based, non profit organizations to distribute information at their concerts. Counting Crows focuses on three issues: domestic violence/violence against women, HIV/AIDS and the environment. They ask the venues to set up tables in high traffic areas and we invite organizations to "work the tables." Most groups distribute information about their services and programs, educational information, materials on volunteer opportunities.


This project is now ten years old and we had many wonderful successes during the tours. Organizations found the project a wonderful opportunity to access a large audience, and the volunteers really enjoyed the music.


The band invites representatives of each organization to work at the concert; they are admitted free of charge to the venue.


Thank you for your support and we're looking forward to seeing everyone this summer!

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