The main news
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The main news - We MOVED!!! Now website's adress: Please change the link in your bookmarks and if you linked me on your website - there too. I hope this hosting will be better and website will be loading faster.
And a couple of updates. I've added two gallery of concerts photos from The Today Show, New York City, NY (48 pics) and NYC, Good Morning America (28 pics).
Full versions of songs from orders: Einstein on the Beach for nasik of 15.12.05, Children In Bloom and Someday I Will Treat You Good for DYMbI4 of 18.12.05.
I wish HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody!!! I hope new year will please us by new and good stuff from Counting Crows. Just keep your faith and music which lives inside each of us.

 - At last I could do your orders of songs. I uploaded 8 full songs from different albums which you wanted to hear. The following: Another Horsedreamer's Blues for Vadim of 26.10.05, Black And Blue for Egor of 26.09.05, Ghost Train for Chiv of 31.10.05, Have You Seen Me Lately? (acoustic) for DYMbI4 of 03.11.05, I'm Not Sleeping for Elleniel of 04.07.05, Jumping Jesus for Ya of 26.10.05, Perfect Blue Buildings for Vadim of 26.10.05, Sullivan Street for Vadim of 26.10.05. The whole list look in MP3 downloads section. Don't foget to open the page of each song before downloading to confirm it for hosting and don't add to downloading-client right away. Good listening! See ya :)

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