Two full songs special for Egor
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Two full songs special for Egor - there are Angels of the Silences and Hard Candy.

 - The latest NEW photos of Adam. "The Aristocrats" New York Premiere of 28th July 2005 (6 photo).

 - Today's 41st birthday of our favorite amazing person and the best singer - Adam Duritz! I wish to Adam only pure and good. I really want him to has a happy day and happy further life. He's worthy of it as nobody else. He's great! God bless him!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ADAM!!!! Birthday card you can see here now.

 - I updated the Video section. I didn't upload music videos, I just made better view of page. You can see there new video-preview pictures. It looks nice and tells more about each video. And also I added links to caps there.
Then I made Counting Crows' fanlistings section. Now there are 15 officially TFL approved fanlistings. I joined them all.
If you have already seen I made splash-page. It's page before the main with selecting a language. I did it, 'cause some people can't find the place where change a language. Yeah, it's below Adam's photo, but with new index page website became better.
Tomorrow will be Adam's birthday!! Don't forget to wish many happy returns of the day to him :))))

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