I've added full song Holiday
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I've added full song Holiday In Spain for Airis of 21.04.05 and special for Killy who don't like one of the most amazing Counting Crows songs - Mr. Jones I've posted acoustic version of this song which was recorded on VH1 Storytellers and was include to "Across A Wire" album.
Also new concert gallery Fiddlers Green Amphitheater (14 photo) and two gallery with latest Adam's public photos - Opening Night Of "Light In Piazza" from 18th April and Opening Night Of "Hurlyburly" from 20th April.

 - New gallery with 27 concerts photos from Hard Candy Tour.

- Look at amazing screencaps from mystical, obscure and magical video Daylight Fading! Screenshots in good quality.

 Again some new photos to old galleries. This nice photo to 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, Beverly Hills, CA and this lovely too to 77th Academy Awards "Oscar", LA. And two absolutely new concerts galleries: Taste Of Chicago and Neil Young's Bridge School Benefit.  Also I've made screencaps from The Today Show - my caps from AIL.
And the most important thing is - I've changed decoration of galleries! Now it looks beautiful and cozy. I changed decoration of one old gallery - Adam's studio photos. But now all next galleries will be with new decoration!
I've added two full songs in MP3 downloads section for Doc. There are All My Friends and American Girls.

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