Screencaps from two amazing videos
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Screencaps from two amazing videos - She Don't Want Nobody Near и Mrs. Potters Lullaby!!! See in Photos.

 - Updated Adam's gallery with fans. Added 9 photos.

 - Some changes in photogalleries. I've added two nice photos in 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards, Beverly Hills, CA and two in Los Angeles premiere of "Saved", CA, USA. Also new gallery with recent Adam's photos - 77th Academy Awards Luncheon, Beverly Hills, CA.

- Updates at last! Many good photos as usual. The first are two new galleries - with fans (20) and big-sized (13) photos of Adam Duritz. The second are pics from the last CC concert in Orlando, Florida of 02/03/05. And the third are updated in Premiere of "Shrek 2", Westwood, CA, USA gallery. I've add 9 new photos. With copyright, but isn't bad.
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